Friday, May 14, 2010

THE chains unlocked

Like I stated from previous Posts.

I Apologized and made more effort.
IT takes time so don't rush things.
BE honest with yourself with the capacity that you can take.
Don't set your self up on disappointment.

I feel refreshed and abundance in love and energy.

My DELIGHT FOR YOU today was that I found 2... yes 2!! four leafed clovers.
I handed one over to my good friend Mike. told him to buy a lottery!
I kept one for myself.
I didn't make any wishes yet.. and if i do. I don't plan on telling you =)

I'm just soaking in the energy of luck and joy.

I had a simple day today.
I enjoyed each and every moment.


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." + happiness =)

- Leonardo da Vinci

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