Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Are you one of those people who just give up after a disappointment in yourself.

Did you see yourself as a failure and just wanted to start fresh with your problems and not face them because it's just easier by doing so?

Let me tell you something my friend.
I'm just like you.

You see I have a tendency for building bridges with people in FAST TORPEDO speed. Then for some reason I BURN them right away.

My fear of how to explain that i BAILED out on their birthday.
My fear of how they would react.
More Fear of how I failed as a friend.

Fear fear fear. Disappointment Disappointments. SHUT UP!

BE honest to yourself and to the people around you.
Ask for forgiveness for your flaws

I Have LEARNED it takes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more energy to be disappointed in yourself and your actions that was not taken.

IF you can't make it to an event offer an apology and state that you will make it up to them.
NEVER SAY YOU'LL GO knowing you will bail out. If you said you go with every intention on GO and something comes in your way. BE HONEST with the host!

You see I'm a PROFESSIONAL in DWELLING in self PITY and DESPAIR. I find every reason I can to not attend a party. Simply it's my mood. Pathetic I know.

ALSO! are you the person that ignores phone calls and text messages on PURPOSE?

If So again. YOU are hiding from FEAR. Something is holding you back and you don't want to face it.
NOW be honest with yourself.
Find the root cause as to why you are avoiding this person. Write to them or call them and maybe it's an apology to yourself and that person.

IT TAKES TOO MUCH ENERGY FOR REGRET. I K NOW because I have lost a lot of friends and relationships of my self pity.
I could say it was because of depression i was suffering. I was in fear. It was anxiety.

I learned that my MIND and brain is SUCH A strong tool. I just have to tweak it and train good habits and thoughts. TO be honest I still feel anxiety.


SO after this Post I decided to write. contact a few friends who deserve this honest truth from me =)

I shall update you LATER on this progress.

The light I FOUND today is.
I have wonderful friends that walked into my life. I should never give up on myself and on them.

Love them and love yourself


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